Land is Life Congratulates The Christensen Fund on Appointing Casey Box as Director of Global Strategy

We are pleased to announce that Land is Life’s outgoing Executive Director, Casey Box, will join The Christensen Fund as its new Director of Global Strategy. This is an exciting moment for both Land is Life and the movement for Indigenous Peoples’ rights, as Casey will continue to dedicate his energy towards our shared mission of supporting the self-determination of Indigenous peoples globally. We believe that the experience that Casey has gained during his years with Land is Life – first as a volunteer, then field staff, and for the past eight years as Executive Director – places him in a unique position to carry out his new role at the Christensen Fund, as well as to have a positive influence for the greater philanthropic community. We are excited to continue partnering with Casey and TCF moving forward.


Our Board and team have collectively decided to elevate long-time Land is Life Latin America Program Director, Jose Proaño and Chief Financial Officer, Ana Jerolamon, to the roles of Interim Co-Directors. Jose and Ana are uniquely qualified to lead Land is Life as we prepare to enter our fourth decade. Jose has been working with Indigenous communities throughout South America for nearly three decades, and has played a central role in Land is Life’s work for nearly fifteen years. Ana joined Land is Life in 2018 and has developed tools and put systems in place that have been essential in strengthening the work of our organization. Ana and Jose will work closely with Land is Life’s global team, our Board and our grassroots partners to continue to develop Land is Life as an organization, and to strengthen the impact and effectiveness of our programs.


This is an exciting time for Land is Life, and we look forward to updating you on our continued progress in the coming months.